National Tobacco Testing Laboratory

Brief Background:
The National Tobacco Testing Laboratories (NTTLs) are Tobacco Research and Testing Laboratories established by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare at three centers as ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), Noida; Centre Drugs Testing Laboratory (CDTL), Mumbai and Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory (RDTL), Guwahati.
NTTLs are envisioned to be the world class labs with latest facilities for the analysis of smoked and smokeless forms of tobacco products like cigarette, cigar, bidi, hukkah, gutkha, khaini, zarda, gul, qiwam etc. The laboratories will also share the expertise, experience and exploration with the world leaders on standard operating procedures, GLP, ISO etc.
NTTLs will also provide necessary scientific inputs for implementation of directives of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), specifically Articles 9 and 10 and its guidelines, in the South-East Asia Region. It will contribute to technology validation, information dissemination and other measures of the TobLabNet. NTTL at NICPR Noida is now the member of WHO Tobacco Laboratory Network (TobLabNet).
NTTLs will assist Government of India in implementing concerned laws and measures and will work towards developing and monitoring of strategies for harm reduction of tobacco products and participate in relevant National and International fora.
The NTTL at NICPR is the apex and coordination center for other two labs. It is first of its kind in South Asia Region. Initially it may serve to verify the methods of estimation of contents in tobacco products. It shall also explore and develop the operational aspects of test protocols for analysis of tobacco products by procedures that are in tune with WHO’s recognized centers and participate in the quest for detection of harmful contents and emissions of tobacco products.
The National Tobacco Testing Laboratory (NTTL) at NICPR was inaugurated by Ms. Anupriya Patel, Union Minister of State of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India in the presence of Prof. Balram Bhargava, DG ICMR; Prof. Ravi Mehrotra, Director NICPR and others honorable dignitaries on occasion of “World No Tobacco Day” on 31st May, 2018.

The National Tobacco Testing Laboratories are envisioned as accredited world-class laboratories engaged in providing analytical facilities for tobacco and tobacco products to generate scientific information and advisories for public health.
Shall undertake analysis of both smoking and smokeless tobacco products (SLTs) through highly specialized analytical equipment and experimental facilities.
To participate in the generation of global protocols, round-robin tests, method validation, and development of analytical methods for tobacco and tobacco products.
To undertake new technology development initiatives and work out technologies for the safe disposal of tobacco-related wastes.
To share scientific information, knowledge, and technical expertise regarding tobacco and tobacco products to the National Tobacco Control Program, Govt. of India, and to international agencies like WHO or bilaterally with any other interested country.