Government Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS), Greater Noida  for conducting collaborative research projects in the field of cancer

World Health Organization Framework convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) has designated the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research as WHO FCTC Knowledge Hub on smokeless Tobacco (KHSLT) to collect/create evidence on different aspects of smokeless tobacco (SLT), develop a knowledge base for different stakeholders and assist Member States in improving SLT control.

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) originated at the University of New Mexico, USAempowers health care providers to update knowledge and skills in the area of cancer prevention. This entails incorporating cancer screening programs using the ECHO model to improve capacity and access to specialty care for rural and underserved populations.

BR Ambedkar Institute of Rotary Cancer Hospital (BRAIRCH) & NCI, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India to carry out high quality medical research to evolve innovative solutions to the existing problems of the prevalent and emergent cancers in the country.

All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India. Under this agreement a Center of integrative Oncology has been set up at NICPR which will integrate the disciplines of modern medicine and traditional Indian medicine systems for collaborative research projects and act as clearing house of information.

Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre (RGCI &RC), New Delhi, for conducting collaborative research projects in the field of cancer.

AIPH, Odisha & All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, to conduct collaborative community basic research in the field of cancer prevention.