Dr. Smita Asthana
Scientist ‘F’ 
Dr. Rajnarain
Scientist ‘D’ 
Dr. Sudhir Tanwar
Scientist – B
Mrs. Rajshri

Sr. Technical Officer,( MSW)


Epidemiology & biostatistics is concerned with the health of the members of a community. The emphasis is in cancer epidemiology & biostatistics research on the early diagnosis of cancer, the recognition of risk factors, environmental and occupational hazards to good health, and the prevention of disease in the community. The scope of epidemiology and biostatistics is much broader than any other medical discipline because it encompasses all age groups, genders, socioeconomic and occupational groups, and management of social and environmental conditions.

We as a department, provide training to the workforce for State and National governmental organizations, national & international non-governmental organizations and teaching institutions. Our areas of work are epidemiology of health related events and diseases, chronic disease, the science of aging, mental health, epidemic control, disaster response, refugee health, injury prevention, tobacco and drug control, planning and program management, health awareness, etc.  The department is actively involved in conducting research projects funded by various organizations. Many projects were successfully completed earlier including community based epidemiological study on cervical cancer screening, national population cancer registry project, tobacco used school based health surveillance, national tuberculosis and covid-19 pandemic population based serological surveillance studies. The division successfully completed two big cervical screening projects. This division has published a large number of original, review articles in national and international journals. The division has organizing national and international workshops.


  1. Research projects 
  • Setting up of  Population-Based Cancer Registry at National Institute of Cancer Prevention & Research covering Gautam Budh Nagar 
  • A demonstration project for the reduction of tuberculosis in India- a multi-centric study
  • Exploration of Data and Statistical Modeling : The project was initiated in the year 2005 with an aim to explore the NCRP data, to recognize any pattern or structure that require explanation and to attempt statistical modelling of data to understand the significant hidden trends. Later, the project extended to explore data from other sources as well, such as NFHS data and GLOBOCAN data

The division supports in imparting biostatistical models for various research studies carried out in the institute and contributes on important issues of research methodology like study design, sample size determination, techniques of data collection, management of data, analysis, and interpretation of the results. There is a Central Computation Unit that helps in the computerization of all research activities. This division has also implemented the high-speed information network –“National Knowledge Network (NKN)” with the collaboration of the National Informatic Centre *(NIC) and possesses the central facility of the network to the Institute. The division maintains the Website of the Institute in collaboration with Bioinformatics staff.

  • Application of Statistical Softwares in Medical Research.
  • Protocol development & Research Paper writing.
  • Biostatistical Analysis on SPSS and design of medical studies.


  • One month Hands-on training course on Research Methodology & Biostatistical Analysis.
  • Protocol & Report writing.